On October 25th, Sand In Your Eye brought a spooky touch of Halloween magic to Warrington Time Square with a live pumpkin carving event and hands-on workshops, all thanks to Warrington City Council! Children and their families, stopped by to see our skilled team in action and try their hand at creating their own pumpkin masterpieces.
Live Pumpkin Carving: A Werewolf-Inspired Masterpiece
Our talented artist Peter took center stage with a pumpkin live carve demonstration, of a werewolf visitors stopped to watch as he transformed a pumpkin into a howling monster masterpiece! With imagination and creativity, Peter brought the ghoulish pumpkin to life with details that resembled a wolf, complete with individually carved snarling pumpkin teeth.

Hands-On Pumpkin Workshops with Dan and Claire
Alongside the pumpkin live carve, visitors of all ages had the chance to roll up their sleeves and get carving themselves! Guided by our expert carvers Dan and Claire, participants learned techniques to turn their pumpkins into unique creations. With step-by-step support, Dan and Claire helped guests experiment with designs, from classic spooky faces to creative, toothy monsters.
The workshops were a hit, with families working together to carve out their perfect pumpkins. It was great to see people, especially kids, embracing their creativity and trying something new. Some participants created traditional jack-o’-lanterns, while others pushed their spooky boundaries and skills to include pumpkin etching and even adding extra pumpkin pieces using toothpicks, to master their monster creations.

Bringing the Community Together in Warrington
Warrington Time Square was busy with parents, kids, friends, and even passersby who stopped to watch, ask questions, and join in on the Halloween fun.
We’d like to extend a big thank you to Warrington City Council for inviting us to bring this Halloween magic to the heart of Warrington. It was an incredible day, and we loved seeing so many smiling faces, happy pumpkins, and budding pumpkin artists! Pumpkin Carving Fun at Warrington Time Square with Sand In Your Eye!

Battle of the Werewolves
Last year resident pumpkin sculptor Dave created a werewolf at a Pumpkin Carving community workshop for Bradford BID. Check out his pumpkin interpritation of this ghoulish creature!
Whose is better? You decide!!