On September 13th Jamie and Peter set off up to Scotland to work with the fantastic people at GoFiber on a Corporate Team Building Event. GoFibre are a Scottish company who build and install full fibre broadband into rural communities. Their network currently spans from the NE of Scotland right down into North Northumberland and Teesdale.

The Sand in Your Eye Team headed to The Seabird Centre, in North Berwick where they met up with 24 GoFiber colleagues who were ready to get their hands sandy and stuck in building some of their own sand sculptures. Whilst the group was split into smaller teams and set about creating magnificent castles, Jamie began working on a sand sculpture of Digby the Gopher, GoFibers mascot, emerging from his burrow.

After a fun filled morning and hearty lunch, the whole team took part in a beach clean up before Peter and Jamie headed back home.
What an absolutely fantastic day, It was great fun getting to work with a team of people so engaged in the local community.