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Who doesn’t love a musical? At Sand In Your Eye we’re often breaking into song – whether it’s the Bob the Builder theme tune ‘Can We Fix It? Yes We Can!’ when making a sand sculpture, Christmas carols and festive tunes whilst designing the Bradford Chistmas card sculpture trail, creating one of our sand drawing at music festivals like the East Neuk Festival and Tiree Music Festival, or humming the soaring theme tune to ET as our extra-terrestrial carved pumpkin cycled it’s way around the Hebden Bridge Pumpkin Festival.

prince of egypt sand drawing

So, we were excited to get the call about the new Prince of Egypt Musical, which has just launched at the Dominion Theatre in London’s West End. This musical is based upon the 1998 animated film and tells the tale of Moses.  

sand artists uk

With a song in their step, the Sand In Your Eye team of sand artists made their way down from a wild and windy Yorkshire to work their sand drawing magic.

sand drawing uk

To celebrate the opening night of the musical, the iconic image from their poster, which has featured all across the London transport system would appear on Botany Bay beach, with the white chalk cliffs that are symbolic of this part of the British Isles in the background.  It wasn’t much less wild and windy down in Kent and the first day had to be called off due to high winds, but like Moses we persevered and the next day saw us creating the sand art on the beach. 

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Jamie brought his drone and some of the footage he shot can be seen in the film at the top of this page, put together by the Prince of Egypt Musical team. 

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