Today is New Years day and what a marvel it is to behold. We saw the new year in by seeing a fire work display that was more like a scene from a war movie with low flying fireworks and the worst fire juggler on earth.
“Now I’m going to…has anyone ever tried to do a hand stand? ” We all cheer, if this is anything like the head stand that he did earlier then it is going to be great. “Well, for my last act I am going to do a hand stand.” We are all immediately impressed. “But when I stand on my hands I am going to spin this stick that is ON FIRE with my feet!” Oh my God. Fire Man Sam them proceeds to do a hand stand with his burning stick in his feet, he then begins to actually spin the stick which is incredible considering his flailing head stand trick from earlier that looked like a dying spider on fire. But he then unfortunately drops it. “Thank you and good night!” he says with a mighty gusto that just earned him 500 euros. This boy has some front.
Rodrigo was the first on the court, chipping away at his snow sculpture that is called ‘The Shadow.’ I then ambled out, cheerely listening to some more mellow music to start off the day, whilst cosely wrapped in all my warmest cloths to keep out the cold. Unfortunately, my big down jacket could not protect my eyes. I went to take some photos and found that my vision was a little difficult, I put this down to the cold wind but was then corrected by Timo who pointed out that I had ice forming on my eye lashes. Ice should never form on ones eyelash. It is silly cold here.
To warm up we plodded along to Misses Clauses hut where she serves the most delicious hot hot soup; moose yesterday and salmon today. When you have six people sat around a table drinking soup at -20 degrees, the scene ironically resembles a Turkish Sauna with all the steam that is produced. Santa Claus drops by sometimes on his Quad bike and I was lucky enough to have a chat with him over a full bodied cup of coffee poured from the black kettle from the fire. It seems that Rudolf and the clan are resting up after a heavy Christmas; reindeer soup tomorrow perhaps. I challenged Santa Clause on why I only received five presents this year. It seems he has not been that impressed with my behaviour this year.
After having coffee with the Big Man I then had a quick spin on the husky sleigh which is so great everyone should do it. Husky dogs are the most amazing creatures, grace and power combined with a pinch of speed thrown into the mix; especially on the down hill.
But then I still had a sculpture to make which is why we are here. I made the eggs for my nest and all is coming along now, it no longer looks like a swirling mess and has developed some good forms. I was gluing snow twigs on this late evening with buckets of slush that then freezes and holds them in place. Unfortunately, the slush also froze around my gloves, so much so that I could no longer move my hands and sculpt; a sculptor with no hands; how are we supposed to work in these condition? Again, it is silly cold here and forced me to end my day.
So now to end the day it is Sauna time. Timo says “Hi.”