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We were delighted to be asked back to create the Ice Bar as part of the Cardiff Winter Wonderland for the third year running. This years’ theme was everything Welsh, all to be carved on site by our team of expert sculptors.

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Jamie, Amy, Claire, Dan, Dave, Peter, James, Jussi, Rodrigo, Toby and Zara painstakingly stacked and sculpted 134 huge blocks of ice, transforming them into a Welsh Winter Wonderland, complete with Greenman, rugby player, Gareth Bale, The Welsh Millennium Centre, a red deer, a red kite, and a Welsh Dragon.

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The week had its ups and downs. As ever the team were nourished through Dave’s delicious home cooking, a plate of which ended up on the floor after Rodrigo broke and subsequently fell off his chair after too much red wine.

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The Gingerbread lattes from the coffee van helped everybody plough through the persistent rain. The freezer wasn’t working properly for the first 3 days granting everybody the warming treat of a temporary 15c rise in working conditions.

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Dan lost a piece of kit every day, and blamed it on someone else, every day. It was Amy’s first ever Ice bar, for the duration of which she was terrified and delighted in equal measure, becoming an expert stacker by the end.

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Cardiff Winter Wonderland ice bar opened 16th November 2023 – and ran until 7th January 2024.

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