For the 6th year running, we were asked by Mellor’s Group to create a Winter Wonderland, with the theme, Fantasy!
Our team of professional sculptors from West Yorkshire and beyond, assembled in Nottingham to transform 135 blocks of ice (each weighing approx. 120kg), into a magical collection of creatures and games.

The first 3 days or so mainly consisted of getting the huge blocks into place, creating the main bar structure and block stacks, which would later be carved into weird and wonderful sculptures. Once this was complete, the carvers could get to work on their creations.

Dave made his hairy unicorn, Peter a giant ogre, Rodrigo a Kraken complete with sinking ship, Jussi constructed the bar, and a Wizard with a crystal ball was sculpted by Zara.

The team was made up of Jonathan, Dan, Jamie, Rodrigo, Peter, Dave, Jussi, James, Hannah, Zara, Claire and Amy. It was Amy, Dan and Hannah’s first time working with ice and they quickly learnt it was extremely heavy but exciting work. Guided by the very patient pros, they built up skills in stacking, glueing, chainsawing, rasping and carving.

Dave gallantly took on the role as team chef, cooking us all delicious hearty dinners at the Airbnb each night, as well as doing the twice daily coffee run to allow the team breaks from the -10c temps.