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We had the best time working with an inspiring group of young activists called UK Youth for Nature and the RSPB on a ‘Nature stunt’ that demonstrates the loss of British Wildlife. It demonstrates the need to act now to protect Britain’s nature and tackle climate change. UK Youth for Nature are UK’s leading youth-led network, who are calling on politicians and governments of the UK to tackle climate change and the loss of biodiversity.

Sign their manifesto for change here

Sand Drawing scarborough

One of the young activists, Glesni Lewis created the final design that was drawn in the sand on Scarborough beach. The 56 Meter tall final image showed four biologically significant species in threat in Britain (Eurasian curlew, Eurasian beaver, Atlantic salmon and Oak). Thy are surrounded by timers that display time running out. The sea eventually washed the whole image away which perfectly represents the whole issue.

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Original Design by Glensi Lewis

Our team for the day was Claire, Liz, Dunc, Mark W, and Mark Lewis (this was his first sand drawing with us, previously has worked with us in sculpture. He did an amazing job, well done Mark!). As well as many of the UK Youth for Nature volunteers.

Jamie worked the drone on this wonderfully sunny day, capturing Scarborough looking beautiful from the sky. He also recorded interviews with some of the UK Youth for Nature volunteers who emphasised the objectives for this project. 

After the project was released, it managed to get a fantastic double page spread in the Guardian. The publicity this cause deserves!

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Guardian article

Were were also featured in RSPB‘s fantastic Magazine .

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