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Animation and sand art by Sand In Your Eye 
Music: March of Midnight by Scott Buckley | Music promoted by Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
stay home save lives
sand art animation

With the country in the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic all of our lives have changed dramatically. However one thing we all know is the more we all stay home, the more lives will be saved. 

We have created a sand table animation that depicts a rabbit’s life being disrupted by the Coronavirus. What should she do over Easter? 

We have produced it in an effort to encourage people to stay at home over the Easter break just as the rabbits stay in their burrows. This will save lives and ensure that once this disruption has lifted our friends and family will still be there. 

This sand table animation was made over three days. Sand drawing animation is made by moving sand on a light box with your hand and recording the images with a mixture of film and stop motion animation. Once lockdown is over, we will be developing this further and will be able to offer it for our client’s projects, events and parties with social distancing safety guidelines.

We hope to see you all on a beach, town or city soon when we can all safely do so. 

Please help to share the message. 

Sand In Your Eye Team x

Coronavirus art
Covid-19 artwork
sand drawing animation

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