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Sand In Your Eye were pleased to be asked back by Richard Bell to produce a unique sand sculpture in the Frenchgate Shopping Centre – Doncaster.

sand art uk professional sand sculptors sand in your eye

Centrepiece in the shopping arcade, raising awareness of local historical sites through art

creative art events display pr

Jamie carving the child figure

Sand sculptures are a spectacular and affordable way to raise public awareness especially as sand art can be created relatively easily in shopping centres, town squares, precincts and beaches…. in fact almost anywhere.

We are professional sculptors and love to be involved in artistic Sand sculptures, ice sculptures, beach drawings and other creative endeavours. However, it’s not always just about the craft itself. Concept holds a big focus for us, so when we were asked to help a local charity trying to raise public awareness of it’s project, The Sand House, we were even more privileged to be involved.

Jamie has worked with Richard Bell and his project previously and would love to see the Sand House recognised as a natural treasure, with potential for a museum and links with educational resources. Take a look at our previous blog post


Original sculptures in the Sand House

The Elephant and the Mahout

In addition, there were also some pop up sand sculpture workshops where people could get involved to recreate some of the Sand House historical carvings. Placed adjacent to the information centre it provided a unique and personal opportunity to discuss the project with Richard and his team of volunteers, or even just to let the kids have some fun, and have a go at sand sculpting whilst out shopping.

creative learning public engagement children sand sculpture

Pop up sand sculpture workshops within the shopping centre, enjoyed by adults and children

Sand house doncaster public engagement

An opportunity to meet the creator of the Sand House Charity

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