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The ice sculpture looking beautiful in the evening light

The ice sculpture looking beautiful in the evening light

Snowflake’s story


The Story of Snowflake the Snowman and the Ice Post Box from Sand In Your Eye on Vimeo.

The Ice Post Box follows the Story of Snowflake the Snowman who travels all the way to the North Pole to deliver a very special Christmas wish letter.  It is the letter from Florence the girl that made him.  He travels on an ice motorbike, an ice aeroplane and even a giant ice bear called Kimmo.

Jamie helping Snowflake onto Kimmos back

Jamie helping Snowflake onto Kimmos back

A classic ice motorbike

A classic ice motorbike

Snowflake in his ice biplane

Snowflake in his ice biplane

To celebrate his adventure Sand In Your Eye made a snow and ice sculpture exhibition in Bradford City Park together with an Ice Post Box made before peoples very eyes in a live carve.

Yadgar and his chainsaw

Yadgar and his chainsaw

Present was the Chief Elf and her assistant who had come to help proceedings.  She commented, “Children have come from all round Yorkshire and we have helped them write their Christmas wish letter which they have posted in the magical Ice Post Box!  It has been a wonderful day and we have had hundreds of letters that we will deliver to Father Christmas promptly!”

Jamie Wardley from Sand In Your Eye who helped make many of the sculptures added “Photographs were taken of everyone who posted a letter which they could collect on the internet or have a picture printed for a small donation to the Lord Mayors Charity.  We even had story tellers who helped tell the Story of Snowflake and the magical Ice Post box.  It has been a wonderful day!”

The post box is filling up!

The post box is filling up!

You can't beat a bit of carol singing!

You can’t beat a bit of carol singing!


Opening the post box ready to send off the letters with Snowflake

Opening the post box ready to send off the letters with Snowflake








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