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As professional sand sculptors who spend all day on the beach building sand sculptures and making sand drawings – we’ve often been called big kids, and it’s not a nickname we shy away from at Sand In Your Eye. You’re only as old as you feel and a recent survey by kids tech company Osmo found that many people miss being a child – playing on the beach and building sand castles was one of the things they miss the most.


We joined the team at Osmo on the beach at Weston Super Mare – they had held a sand castle design competition for kids and they asked us to build giant sand sculptures of the winning designs.

Our team of sand artists; Jamie, Claire, Liisa, Dunc, Mark and Ray saw both sunrise and sunset on Weston Super Mare’s beautiful seafront. The sand castles had to be almost big enough to live in so we used a digger to pile up enough sand to make each of the sand sculptures.


That didn’t get us out of the heavy lifting – Liisa, Dunc and Claire were dispatched to fetch buckets full of water from the sea and Mark and Jamie, with Dunc’s help, compacted the sand. 

The sand carvers followed each of the designs meticulously, adding turrets, bridges, portcullises, crenellations and cliffs exactly as the children had drawn them.


It was hard work but the finished sand castles looked fantastic with Weston’s pier, the waters of the Bristol Channel and all the daytrippers and beach goers having fun in the background.


Sadly the time came when the sand sculptures, as all sand castles have to be, were knocked down.

Luckily we still had the digger and the driver even let Jamie have a go!


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