Halloween is a busy time for Sand In Your Eye. As professional pumpkin carvers, in October our studio in Yorkshire is full of pumpkins being carved into spooky shapes and lots of scary celebrity pumpkin carving going on.
The Great Pumpkin Festival in our home town of Hebden Bridge had only just finished and Jamie Wardley, Hannah and Emily had to jump in the van along with some of the pumpkins from the festival and drive all the way up to Glasgow for some pumpkin carving workshops and a live carve in an indoor shopping centre the very next day.
At Regent Shopping Centre in Hamilton, near Glasgow the scene was set for some spooky pumpkins and family workshops to finish off half term for many children. Jamie had brought along the wicked witch pumpkin he had carved in Hebden Bridge the previous day and spent the day making her an equally ghoulish companion.

Passersby, shoppers and families joining in with the workshops could watch the face emerging as the day went on. Did you know that big carving pumpkins like the ones Jamie used can weigh several kilos? This one weighed 25kg or 4 stone!

It was probably heavier than some of the children taking part in the workshops!! No wonder Jamie’s back has been aching, after a busy year of ice carving and sand sculptures you might think pumpkins would be easier, but no such luck. Fortunately he had brought along two super women Emily and Hannah, who did all his heavy lifting and made sure everyone enjoyed the pumpkin carving workshops. We hope he bought them some toffee apples to say thank you.
Pumpkin carving workshops at half term Pumpkin carving workshops in the UK Regent Shopping Centre Halloween pumpkin carving Professional pumpkin carver Jamie Wardley