Halloween is big news to us, we are always very busy in October making carved pumpkins and running pumpkin carving workshops. When CBBC Newsround visited our professional pumpkin carving studio in Hebden Bridge, Yorkshire we realised it’s not just us that gets excited around this time of year.

Jamie Wardley, our head pumpkin carver, remembers the days of John Craven so was very pleased to welcome presenter Martin Dougan into the Sand In Your Eye studio to show him how to carve a 3D pumpkin with a ghoulish face. Our pumpkins have personalities all of their own and it seemed this particular pumpkin was after Martin’s job!
Watch Out Martin, Someone’s After Your Job! Newsround
Children from Scout Road Academy joined us with their headteacher Anne Stamp for some pumpkin carving workshops, Rich showed them how to use stencils to cut out pictures of spooky spiders, howling wolves and creepy castles. They have been busy making pumpkins for the upcoming Hebden Bridge Pumpkin Festival, which we run with Hebden Royd Town Council. Local schools will have their own pumpkins on display in St George’s Square on the day.
The children (and Jamie!) were very excited to see their pumpkins on Newsround later that day. You can watch the segment on the CBBC website here.