This is the film dedicated to the UK’s largest beach sand drawing as commissioned by Island Records for Jack Johnson’s new album ‘To the Sea’. It is also a very nice track by Mr Johnson I must say. It is called “You and your heart.” The film was made by the most talented Finnian Varney of aberration films. The sand drawing was of course made by us at sandinyoureye with special thanks to Andy and Helen for a terrific job organiseing everything whilst I was galavanting around Holland making the himalayas out of 250 tonnes of sand. I did make a nice Hare though if I do say so myself.
If you want to read the diary from the day then go to the blog page

800 meters long, 90 meters deep
I would like to thank the team for a very hard, but very good days work. Nice one

The sandinyoureye team. From left to right: Ra Horgan, Richard Bottomley, Jamie Wardley, Andy Firth, Jason Lynn, Jo Billingsley, Tim Curtis, Jonny Sayers, James Haigh, Mark Yates, Warzier Mirza, Goran Namiq, Andy Moss. And not featured, Helen Tidswell, Finn Varney, Louis Waller, The Munson.