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I am pleased to say that we will be creating the world’s first animated sand drawing at Filey Beach, North Yorkshire on the early morning of Mothers Day – Sunday 14 March 2010.


The Beach Drawing Sketch for Filey


The drawing entitled “An idea is like a seed” will grow from a single spot into a plant that will be 75 meters long and will move and swirl to music.  It will take 15 people a day to make and will create a real-time film sequence that will be 29 seconds long.

The image will be created over four hours by taking a photograph every ten seconds which will later be condensed into real-time film and make a sequence that is 29 seconds long; a process referred to as time lapse.

The drawing begins at 7am and ends at 12pm with the sea washing over it around 2pm.  The film will be available that evening on the blog at:

The artistic director is myself and filming will be done by Finn Varney (, and music by Daren Ibbetson.  The drawers are Yorkshire artists: Mark Yates ( from the band Terrovision, Andy Moss, Thomas Bolland (, Hannah Bolland, Warzier Mirza, Edward Mortimer, Richard Green, and Andrew Firth as well as the ‘ABERRATION film crew.’

If you don’t know what I’m talking about then this will give you an idea, but the one in Filey will move and be four times the size!

mothers day sand drawing

Hope to see you there and cheerio for now!


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