A few months ago, Jamie and I took Florence to her first trip to Eureka in Halifax. Although at 4 months, she was a little young to take much in, we had a great time! We bumped into our friend Tudor, who invited us to take part in the Makers Fair coming up at the museum. We had a look and thought it would be a really fun event to be part of and their giant sand pit was just waiting to have some sculptures emerge from the sand.
Everyone hard at work
We asked all of our team members if they would like to come along too and brush up some skills before the summer. We also asked a couple of friends if they wanted to just have a go at sand sculpting and learn the basics. So the team was set, Jamie Wardley, Claire Jamieson, Tom Bolland, Jo Billingsley, Andy Firth, Yadgar Ali, Paul Burrows, Richard Hill and we were also joined by Paula Burrows, little Frankie, Florence and Pat who all got stuck in too.
The team! (Tom had gone home just before the clean up!)
Our theme was Wonders of the World and we have a great time messing about in the sand! Turns out that the rookies had quite a flair for sand sculpting, so I’m sure you will see them on an event with us very soon! Well done to everyone and what a great sand sculpture workshop it was catching up with friends.
Bez and Richards first sculpture! Claire and Andy Yad and his creation Jo and the sulky faces!