Jamie was in his element, travelling back though history for this meticulously carved pumpkin bust study of a Viking warrior prepared for battle!

Jamie was hard at work prior to the trip to York, commissioned by the Make it York team. Hot on the heels of the extremely popular Hebden Bridge Pumpkin Trail event earlier in October, he wholeheartedly threw himself into this new project by studying historically correct Viking battle regalia. After choosing appropriate pumpkins to assemble the fierce Viking marauder, Jamie set to work selecting which parts would suit the various components.

The larger-than-life sculpture would incorporate 5 large pumpkins for the main head and shoulder structure. All the components of the sculpture were prepared in advance to save time at the live carve in York.
Upon arrival at Parliament Street, York, Jamie set up his station to begin the carving and fixing process. He determined that one of the pumpkins would provide the main bulk of the Viking’s upper body with 2 hemispheres of another large pumpkin to represent the shoulder armour pads. The rest of the pumpkins would be used to provide the helmet and other decorations to complement the look.
Passersby looked on in amazement as Jamie chipped away at the pumpkins, gradually unveiling the foreboding figure. He put on a bit of a show as he was working, on one occasion breaking off to join in with the town crier (which could be considered an interruption: an offence which may have been seen as treasonable in days gone by!)!

All in all, the public and event organisers were delighted with the end result, so much so that the Tourist Information Centre took the resulting sculpture to place in their window display to impress locals and tourists for days to come!